Mad Dog Summer
Mad Dog Summer, is a collection of short stories by Joe R. Lansdale, first published in 2004 in a limited edition by Subterranean Press. It was reissued in paperback in 2006 by Golden Gryphon.
It contains:
- "Mad Dog Summer" (won a Bram Stoker Award) {originally published in 999: New Stories of Horror & Suspense, ed Al Sarrantonio (1999)}
- "The Mule Rustlers" {originally published in The Mysterious Press Anniversary Anthology, ed. Freed and Malloy (2001)}
- "O’Reta: Snapshot Memories" {originally published in Mothers and Sons, ed. Jill Morgan (2000)}
- "Rainy Weather" (won a Bram Stoker Award) (shorter version of what became The Big Blow) {originally published in Cemetery Dance #30 (1998)}
- "Screwup" (co-wr: Karen Lansdale) {originally published in Till Death Do Us Part, ed. Jill M. Morgan & Martin H. Greenberg (1999)}
- "The Steam Man of the Prairie and the Dark Rider Get Down" {originally published in The Long Ones (2000)}
- "Veil's Visit" (a Hap and Leonard story) {originally published in Veil's Visit (2001)}
- "Way Down There" {first publication}
An early, extremely limited pressing had the script for the graphic novel Red Range, as well as the other "Hap and Leonard" story "Death by Chili".